#22: Have my tarot read.
I have several wonderful pagan friends who volunteered to do this for me when I first wrote this list. I'm not sure why it took me so terribly long to take one of them up on their offer. On the 4th of July, my friend Tricia took time out of her hostessing duties to read mine for me! I don't remember the finer points, but from what I recall, I am apparently quite honorable (2 Knights! Take that, bitches). Here is visual proof!
#1: See The Godfather Trilogy:
I have to admit that I did not completely this one in its entirety. However, I have been told that the third installment kind of sucks. With that in mind, several weeks ago was Mob Week on AMC. They played Parts I and II, which I diligently sat on my couch devouring for 8+ hours. I can't believe I waited so long to see them! And I have to admit that Robert DeNiro was a very handsome man in his time... not to say he isn't now, but I think I may have dealt with the carpet-stealing and occasional hop along some rooftops for Vito Corleone. In any case, Parts I and II were pretty amazing and I'm happy that I finally took the time to watch them.
#19: Read a friend's favorite book:
and finally...
#9: Keep a plant alive for more than one year.
Believe it or not, 3rd TIME'S A CHARM! Well, not really. It's hardly surviving, but it's still alive. I didn't say it had to be healthy, just alive. Yes, it started out much taller. Yes, I thought about just throwing it out. But here it is! Still alive! Here is one of the 2 bamboo shoots I started with last August.
I'm sad to say that I'm almost out of time and I don't know if I'll complete any more before the big birthday; however, I'll keep you posted!