Sunday, September 5, 2010

Working on number 9:  keep a plant alive for more than 1 year.

Here is my basil plant...
My basil plant at 4 months.
I got her in early May, so she's about 4 months in.  Only 8 months to go!

The problem here is going to be what I do with her when the weather starts to get cold.  I don't think she'll survive out on my balcony for the winter and the only window I have that faces outside is in my bedroom.  Any suggestions?

I also have another basil plant and a tomato plant (both of which you can see in the upper-right hand side of the picture I posted).  My tomato plant is alive, but I've only gotten one VERY tiny tomato from it all year.  Take a look!

My cousin Eric holding my only tomato.

I'm making progress!  I'll keep you updated if I work on or complete any of the rest of the things on my list!



  1. Uh... I don't mean to be a party pooper here, but your basil plant... is indeed a "he", not a "she." Look closely for proof. Additionally, how do you suppose your tomato plant feels being considered gender-neutral when you take such care to call your basil plant female (albeit the wrong gender?) Maybe the tiny tomato is to prove a point. Your voice is heard little tomato plant.

  2. thank you for caring so deeply about the feelings of my basil plant. although she may be biologically male, she is definitely female. her name is basilia. she chose it herself...

    otherwise, you are right. it was careless and cruel of me to speak of my tomato is such rude terms. Tom is definitely male and I will of course speak to him using the correct gender pronouns from now on. :)
