Sunday, June 19, 2011

18. Go on a Pub Crawl

The most important thing on my list I wanted to do while in Ireland was go on a pub crawl.  Admittedly, this could hardly be considered a pub crawl as it only had 3 stops, but I'm a pretty cheap drunk, so it's all I really needed...

Stop 2: the Temple Bar

Still temple bar

outside Temple Bar

Dude in a kilt inside stop 3

Bulmers at stop 3.

sign outside stop 1: Hard Rock Cafe - Dublin

26. have "high tea"

Most of you are aware that I was recently in Ireland.  While there, we visited the Mercy International House and had tea with the nuns.  I sat at a table with my friends Hollie and Tiffany, as well as our professor Mary and her cousin.

20. put money in a stranger's parking meter.

hello all!  sorry i've been gone so long!

I did this one this winter, but never got around to posting it... putting money in a stranger's parking meter.  On our way to Joe Mama's for dinner after class one night, we saw a car in a Pitt parking lot whose meter had run out, so I put a quarter in it! I hope I saved them a ticket!
Please ignore the fact that I have the hugest pimple ever in this photo!

15 more minutes!