Friday, August 17, 2012

I sincerely apologize for being such a slacker... (otherwise known as numbers 1, 9, 19, and 22).

This blog is proof that even slackers get things done occasionally... We just aren't always the best at letting people know about our progress.  Although I am running out of time, I have been slowly chipping away at the list... (in order of completion).

#22: Have my tarot read.

I have several wonderful pagan friends who volunteered to do this for me when I first wrote this list.  I'm not sure why it took me so terribly long to take one of them up on their offer.  On the 4th of July, my friend Tricia took time out of her hostessing duties to read mine for me!  I don't remember the finer points, but from what I recall, I am apparently quite honorable (2 Knights!  Take that, bitches).  Here is visual proof! 

#1: See The Godfather Trilogy:

I have to admit that I did not completely this one in its entirety.  However, I have been told that the third installment kind of sucks.  With that in mind, several weeks ago was Mob Week on AMC.  They played Parts I and II, which I diligently sat on my couch devouring for 8+ hours.  I can't believe I waited so long to see them!  And I have to admit that Robert DeNiro was a very handsome man in his time... not to say he isn't now, but I think I may have dealt with the carpet-stealing and occasional hop along some rooftops for Vito Corleone.  In any case, Parts I and II were pretty amazing and I'm happy that I finally took the time to watch them. 

#19: Read a friend's favorite book:

When I first made this list, I asked quite a few friends what their favorite books were.  I originally started reading my friend Suzanne's favorite book, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.  However, it was a tad bit depressing and made me want to stick my head in an oven (terribly bad pun intended)... So I took a break on this one for a while and decided on my friend Ringa's favorite book, Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne.  I have to say it was an awesome choice and I think that this is a new one of my (many) favorites.  I laughed.  I yelled.  I cried.  I swore to name my first born Philias.  In short, I highly recommend it... However, I do have one admission to make.  I didn't actually read the book.  I've become a big fan of audiobooks and this one was available for free on the audiobook app on my iphone.  So, I listened to it on my way to work over a week or so.  But as this is how I plan to catch up on my classics, I'm counting it... And it's my list, so I make the rules. 

and finally...

#9: Keep a plant alive for more than one year.

Believe it or not, 3rd TIME'S A CHARM!  Well, not really.  It's hardly surviving, but it's still alive.  I didn't say it had to be healthy, just alive.  Yes, it started out much taller.  Yes, I thought about just throwing it out.  But here it is!  Still alive! Here is one of the 2 bamboo shoots I started with last August. 


I'm sad to say that I'm almost out of time and I don't know if I'll complete any more before the big birthday; however, I'll keep you posted!

Monday, June 4, 2012

#16: Make Gram's pizza on my own (and another update on #9)

I'm very excited to announce that I completed:

#16: Make Gram's pizza on my own

Several years ago I begged my grandmother for all of her recipes.  However, I never used most of them. Truthfully, she makes them all way better (mostly because half the recipes she gave me were either different versions or she left out the "secret ingredients").  So, I managed to FINALLY make an attempt at making pizza--something EVERY Italian should know how to do.

 So, I took my Gram's recipe and cut it in 4th.  She usually makes 8-10 pizzas at a time and I really don't need all that.  I also had to do some different shopping than usual.  I spent about 20 minutes wandering around the grocery store, because apparently no one buys yeast anymore.  It took me FOREVER to find.  I actually had to call my mom and ask where she thought it would be.  I had guessed near the flour and was wrong.  Luckily, it was in the same aisle and I eventually got out of there, yeast in hand.

I also had to make a few adjustments.  My Gram is super old-school and does all her kneading by hand.  I am FAR too lazy for that and used the dough hook on my mixer.  In the end, it came out A-OK.  Not exactly like Gram's, but not bad either.  I made both of her traditional pizzas, one red and one white.  I had to make a couple adjustments again, though.  I started making red sauce, but forgot it was on the stove and I kind of burnt it.  So, I ended up needing to use my emergency jar of store-bought sauce I keep in the cupboard.  I also used a bit more cheese than Gram traditionally does-- mostly because she's a little weak on the cheese.

In the end, I made it and I'm super excited that I still have pizza two days later!  Check out the photos!
The yeast that took me forever to find.

Yeast mixed with warm water.

Making the dough

The poor sauce that had to be discarded

Rolling out the dough

Red pizza in the oven

White pizza about to go in the oven.

White pizza is my FAVORITE!

Finished red pizza.  YUM!
and just a quick update on:

#9:  Keep a plant alive for more than a year.

My mother claims that my bamboo isn't quite dead.  So, we cut the bottom off and we're trying to keep the rest of it alive.  There's not much left to work with, but here's a picture of what's left... Just gotta keep it going to August!

My poor bamboo has no bottom half!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

UPDATES! on #s 3, 6, 7, and 9!!!

I apologize for completely ignoring this blog for far too long... but just because I haven't posted doesn't mean I haven't been working on it!  I have MULTIPLE updates on how things are going.

#3: Step foot in 30 states/provinces/territories
I am now up to 19!

In addition to 1) Alabama, 2) Delaware, 3) Florida, 4) Georgia, 5) Kentucky, 6) Maryland, 7) New Jersey, 8) New York, 9) North Carolina, 10) Ohio, 11) Pennsylvania, 12) South Carolina, 13) Tennessee, 14) Virginia, 15) West Virginia, 16) District of Columbia, and17) Ontario, you can now add 18) TEXAS and 19) WASHINGTON!!!

For those of you who know me, I have really never had any intention of stepping foot in Texas; however, I had a layover there on my way to Washington.  And before anyone complains, I'M COUNTING IT EVEN IF I NEVER LEFT THE AIRPORT.  So there!

Here are a few pictures from that trip out west.

Puget Sound

Outside the Museum of Glass in Tacoma

Space Needle in Seattle

Really tall trees at a rest stop
My mom on the tram at the Houston, TX airport

This is related to the next item I completed, which is:

#6: See the Pacific Ocean!!!

While we were in the SeaTac area, my mom and I drove our rental car to a town called Westport, which is about 2 hours away from Tacoma so that we could see the Pacific Ocean.  I did not realize that it was going to get so long to see the ocean, but SeaTac is on the Puget Sound, not the Pacific.  Here are a few pictures from our time in Westport.  While we were there, we checked out a (pretty abandoned) beach.  It was January, so we were the only people interested in going near the water.  Obviously, we didn't go in and my mother was really excited about all the intact sand dollars.  I think she brought about 30 back home to Pittsburgh. 
Mom in front of the Pacific

Cool piece of wood in the sand

Me in front of the Pacific!

Mom picking up sand dollars

Piece of wood on the beach

Mom and I at the Pacific

#9: Keep a plant alive for more than a year

I'm sorry to say I have some bad news here.  I have officially failed number 9 (for the third time) and I do not have time before I turn 30 to start again.  Although most of you won't be able to believe it, I killed my bamboo shoots.  And yes, I know it's nearly impossible to do,but I really am that bad at keeping plants alive.  RIP Bamboo.
It might be hard to tell from the photo, but that stalk is pretty brown (and please forgive my messy desk).

and finally, to end on a high note:
#7: Go to a drive-in movie
This past Friday night, I finally went to my first drive-in with my friend Bethany (a big thanks goes out to her!).  We ended up seeing What to Expect When You're Expecting, which was pretty cute.  Bethany, it seems, is a pro at the Drive-in.  However, we didn't have a radio, so went ended up watching most of the movie from inside her car.  Other than that, she brought us quite a set-up, futon and all.  I really liked going, although I have to admit that I'm not a fan of annoying high schoolers.  Not at all.  Here are some pictures.

The Dependable!
Bethany setting up our seats

Yes, I do need sunblock at dusk.  I'm pasty.  Don't judge.